# Monero for Merchants A printable booklet to attract merchants to accept Monero. [Website](https://aschmidt1024.github.io/monero-for-merchants-booklet/) ![Page One](translations/en/images/Screenshot%202023-09-02%20at%2009.10.59.png) ## Available languages The booklet is available in - [English](/translations/en/README.md) - [German](/translations/de/README.md) ## How to contribute You can add a translation for your own language. - [fork this repository](https://github.com/ASchmidt1024/monero-for-merchants-booklet/fork) - add a new folder in directory `translations`, e.g. “es” for spanish - create a translation-spanish.md - translate an existing one (e.g. [translation-english.md](/translations/en/translation-english.md)) - create a [pull request](https://docs.github.com/en/pull-requests/collaborating-with-pull-requests/proposing-changes-to-your-work-with-pull-requests/creating-a-pull-request?tool=webui) The pull request of a translation should be proofread by a native speaker. The PDF is then placed in the newly created folder and a README with preview images is created by us. Found a spelling or other mistake? Feel free to [create an issue](https://github.com/ASchmidt1024/monero-for-merchants-booklet/issues/new/choose) for it. Thank you.